This project made me feel like I was flying. It was pure simple fun from start to finish, except I'm not sure it will ever truly be finished. Better still,…
This is a story of collaboration, both within the VEuPathDB organization and to some degree outside of it. In the end I think we collectively produced something both functional and…
The map project changed me. I think it's still changing me. It's taught me so many things, professionally and personally. Perhaps the most important lessons were about the importance of…
This is a project which made me really internalize the lesson that you need to use the right tools for the job. That's something I'd been slowly learning over a…
I've never admitted it to anyone, except technically to the entire internet here, but I wasn't sure I could handle the EDA project when I first started it. Three years…
I'm sharing this project, trying to add tooltips to ggplot2 plots, because it changed a lot of things for me. In hindsight I think it represents a turning point in…
Rserve is something I never knew I needed and now don't know how I ever did without. The core technology is available from Rforge and is a server designed to…